Yes it's true I slept until almost 5:00pm. Such is a Lupus flare. I woke up on and off to take Sophie out but couldn't get my body to do much more. It all started Saturday morning when a phone call woke me and I had a headache all day after the sun hit my left eye when I opened up my eyes. It wasn't all that bad but I was quite tired and everything was hurting. I gathered up the strength and made it to the store only to have my shopping trip cut short because my back was beginning to kill me. Monday I woke up and was a bit energized and went to the store to pick up the rest of my purchases and again my back felt like knives were stabbing my spine and I was wishing someone would smack me in the back with a 2x4 just to take away the pain of the knives. But I finally got everything, got it all home and put away.
Sunday, some time after I got home from the store diarrhea set in, which happens sometimes during flares and that made my backache even worse. I swear there was a span of a bout three hours where I was sitting on the toilet and it felt like anything I had had to eat over the course of a month landed in my toilet. I ate lightly, chicken broth and dry toast. To add to it all the weather has been crappy. Foggy, drizzly and today it rained rained, rained and rained some more! So yes, I slept today away. getting up only to let Sophie outside. It felt so nice under that comforter, with Sophie right there next to me.
With all the doing nothing that I was doing I did finish the crochet project that I was working on, now I'm making some winter scarves with the left overs from my many projects. There is enough for another afghan but I want to get rid of some of the "scrap" so that they are out of the way. Besides I have to get the last two I've made washed. Right now, my big dinner of chicken broth and a peanut butter bagel. gourmet all the way huh...