Another dreary, dismal, chilly, gray day. I have only one area of the kitchen to complete but my back just isn't up to it. I figure I'll take today and tomorrow off and then start back at it Monday, finishing up in the kitchen and then heading in here. That way I can bring the desk in here after I clear out the are I want it to go.
Of course Sophie is here to help me, she has been a little lover and I enjoy having her here to snuggle with. She helps me get to sleep at night and is a great little wake up.
With cleaning the kitchen I found out that a few things that I thought didn't work actually do, I just had to adjust them. The coffee grinder just wasn't set right and by me readjusting the bottom of it I am now enjoying a pot of Starbuck's here at home! So, the stove works, the oven works the coffee grinder works I'm all set LOL.
Been trying to figure out what type of Medicare plan to enroll into, I have until the 15th to decide. With one I would also have to pay for a supplemental plan and with the other there would be no need for a supplemental plan but the rates may go up when I move. But once I move I should be able to afford the extra.
So, Sophie and I are going to kick back and vegetate this weekend, I will be enjoying my Starbuck's. I have been thinking about taking her to get a "costume" for Halloween and getting her nails trimmed, she is due. I just don't like being out in this weather....Sigh