Well with Christmas over time to update the look and "feel" of the place. I needed some new music but there for awhile couldn't remember how to edit it back into the template. Oh the misfortunes of the "lupus fog" . I couldn't even remember where to search to get the information! I was making myself crazy over it. Finally gave it up, let what is left up there inside my head have a day or two and guess what? I marinated on it awhile and Bazinga there it was all the time at my fingertips. Now who would have thunk it?
For New Years I felt Mimosas at breakfast would be festive, don't you? Although this time of year they might be a bit chilly for here in the North East. Do you like the music? It is the song from Les Miserable s that caused Susan Boyle to make Simon stand up and take notice.. She still has a great voice. I have it up to as a "nod" toward my favorite child...Shannon. She used to sing this one quite nicely herself.
Yes the weather, lots of ice and snow. I was going to go out for some blood work today but when I saw that Susan upstairs had decided to say home rather than go in to work because of the roads I decided to drop the blood work back yet another day. I know I have to get to it so I can continue on with my medications but it takes so long to prepare and being only one person it takes over an hour to do so. That's not counting the pain and how at the end of it all I am exhausted. I get tired just having to think about it. So I curl up in my chair with Sophie next to me and we snuggle and watch television.
Flaring most of last week didn't help either. I can't do much when that happens. I almost passed out a couple of times just walking from the kitchen back to my desk chair. Some days it just is not worth it to get out of bed;. I know that I'm going to be flaring more and more as winter works it's way through. It is cold and damp and I have such a hard time with that kind of weather. Cold and dry is okay, yes I feel the pain but I can get warm. Cold and damp the dampness never leaves and I always feel the cold bite in mints and in my bones. It is hard to stand when the hips are "screaming.