Well my flare has pretty much ran it's course. I woke very refreshed this morning. Just a hint of a back ache so I got dressed and headed out to Wal Mart to get the things I was unable to get on Sunday. It was a good day weather wise and a good day in the store because the crowds hadn't started their rounds so I was in and out rather quickly
I also some how got into a line with a fairly intelligent cashier because when I told her my EBT card was only good for $16 she told me to run it first and she took off the $16 which left me with just $26 for the rest that came off my debit/card. got it all out to the car, Got home, hooked up Sophie and we did our walk.
Nice day outside even though a bit on the warm side but Sophie did both "jobs" outside and got some special treat for doing so. She watched as I got the groceries put away and then we sat together for a bit. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice again, maybe we can do a longer walk. I'm thinking of doing some sun tea tomorrow as well. I loved iced green tea and it will be so good in the evening.
Right now I have the fans going but will be turning them off and kicking back to do some crocheting after I take Sophie out.